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DRESSANO, DIOGO; PALIALOL, ALAN RODRIGO; XAVIER, TATHY A.; BRAGA, ROBERTO R.; OXMAN, JOE D.; WATTS, DAVID C.; MARCHI, GISELLE MARIA; LIMA, ADRIANO FONSECA. Effect of diphenyliodonium hexafluorophosphate on the physical and chemical properties of ethanolic solvated resins containing camphorquinone and 1-phenyl-1,2-propanedione sensitizers as initiators. Dental Materials, 2016.
BOCALON, ANNE C.E.; MITA, DANIELA; NARUMYIA, ISABELA; SHOUHA, PAUL; XAVIER, TATHY A; BRAGA, ROBERTO RUGGIERO. Replacement of glass particles by multidirectional short glass fibers in experimental composites: Effects on degree of conversion, mechanical properties and polymerization shrinkage. Dental Materials, 2016.
XAVIER, TATHY APARECIDA; DE GODOY FRÓES-SALGADO, NÍVEA REGINA; MEIER, MARCIA MARGARETE; BRAGA, ROBERTO RUGGIERO. Influence of silane content and filler distribution on chemical-mechanical properties of resin composites. Brazilian Oral Research, v. 29, p. 1-8, 2015.
ZANATTA, R. F.; BARRETO, B. C. F.; XAVIER, T.A.; VERSLUIS, A.; SOARES, C. J. Effect of Punch and Orifice Base Sizes in Different Push-out Test Setups: Stress Distribution Analysis. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, v. 17, p. 45-50, 2015.
CHIARI, MDS; RODRIGUES, MC; XAVIER, TA; ARANA-CHAVES, VE; BRAGA, RR. Mechanical properties and ion release from bioactive restorative composites containing glass fillers and calcium phosphate nano-structured particles. Dental Materials, v. 31, p. 726-733, 2015.
SOUZA, ACO; XAVIER, TA; PLATT, JA; BORGES, ALS. Effect of Base and Inlay Restorative Material on the Stress Distribution and Fracture Resistance of Weakened Premolars. Operative Dentistry, v. 40, p. E158-E166, 2015.
DE GODOY FRÓES-SALGADO, NÍVEA REGINA; GAJEWSKI, VINÍCIUS; ORNAGHI, BÁRBARA PICK; PFEIFER, CARMEM SILVIA COSTA; MEIER, MARCIA MARGARETE; XAVIER, TATHY APARECIDA; BRAGA, ROBERTO RUGGIERO. Influence of the base and diluent monomer on network characteristics and mechanical properties of neat resin and composite materials. Odontology, v. 103, p. 160-168, 2014.
DE ASSIS, DIOGO SOUZA FERREIRA RUBIM; XAVIER, TATHY APARECIDA; NORITOMI, PEDRO YOSHITO; GONÇALES, EDUARDO SANCHES. Finite Element Analysis of Bone Stress After SARPE. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Print), v. 72, p. 167.e1-167.e7, 2014.
NATALE, L. C.; RODRIGUES, M. C.; XAVIER, T. A.; SIMÕES, A.; DE SOUZA, D. N.; BRAGA, R. R. Ion release and mechanical properties of calcium silicate and calcium hydroxide materials used for pulp capping. International Endodontic Journal (Print), v. 48, p. 89-94, 2014.
COSTA, AKF; XAVIER, TA; NORITOMI, PY; SAAVEDRA, G; BORGES, ALS. The Influence of Elastic Modulus of Inlay Materials on Stress Distribution and Fracture of Premolars. Operative Dentistry, v. 39, p. E160-E170, 2014.
BORGES, ALS; BORGES, AB; XAVIER, TA; BOTTINO, MC; PLATT, JA. Impact of Quantity of Resin, C-factor, and Geometry on Resin Composite Polymerization Shrinkage Stress in Class V Restorations. Operative Dentistry, p. 130620140351003, 2013.
DE ASSIS, D.S.F.R.; XAVIER, T.A.; NORITOMI, P.Y.; GONÇALES, A.G.B.; FERREIRA, O.; DE CARVALHO, P.C.P.; GONÇALES, E.S. Finite element analysis of stress distribution in anchor teeth in surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, v. 42, p. 1093-1099, 2013.
PABIS, LUCAS V.S.; XAVIER, TATHY A.; ROSA, ECINELE F.; RODRIGUES, FLÁVIA P.; MEIRA, JOSETE B.C.; LIMA, RAUL G.; FILHO, LEONARDO E. RODRIGUES; BALLESTER, RAFAEL Y. A method to investigate the shrinkage stress developed by resin-composites bonded to a single flat surface. Dental Materials, v. 28, p. e27-e34, 2012.
BRAGA, ROBERTO R.; MEIRA, JOSETE B.C.; BOARO, LETICIA C.C.; XAVIER, TATHY A. Adhesion to tooth structure: A critical review of macro test methods. Dental Materials, v. 26, p. e38-e49, 2010.
SANTOS, A. F. V.; MEIRA, J. B. C.; TANAKA, C. B.; XAVIER, T. A.; BALLESTER, R. Y.; LIMA, R. G. ; PFEIFER, C. S.; VERSLUIS, A. Can Fiber Posts Increase Root Stresses and Reduce Fracture? Journal of Dental Research, v. 89, p. 587-591, 2010.
XAVIER, TATHY APARECIDA; MEIRA, JOSETE BARBOSA CRUZ; RODRIGUES, FLÁVIA PIRES; LIMA, RAUL GONZÁLEZ; BALLESTER, RAFAEL YAGÜE. Finite Element Analysis of Shear Versus Torsion Adhesive Strength Tests for Dental Resin Composites. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology (Print), v. 23, p. 1575-1589, 2009.
MEIRA, J. B. C.; BRAGA, RR; CARVALHO, A.C.P; RODRIGUEZ, F. P; XAVIER, T.A; BALLESTER, R.Y. Influence of local factors on composite shrinkage stress development--a finite element analysis. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, v. 9, p. 499, 2007.
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